Rahatlokum is Shabby Chic

     Shabby Chic style turned into a craze now some time ago. I like it, especially when it comes to fashion, as I love vintage look. I also prefer to mix it with other styles. There is one thing when mixed with any style can do no harm, and that's humor. Humor is something that reminds me we shouldn't take things too seriously, or ourselves. It makes things lighter. Of course, all in right time and place. Humor in space I adore! As well as contrasts...I could go on and on, but as my sister reminded me of this style, I thought of a little restaurant in Belgrade, where I went this year with my friends. So, here are some photos of the Italian restaurant Gallo Nero and its unimposing fun shabby style.


     The owner, an Italian guy, said they bought most of the furniture at the fair in Vojvodina.  I can't remember exactly the coffee cups they used...I'm not sure if cups in the proper shabby chic would entirely fit in here, but I would always find place on my table for such porcelain:

Oh, I couldn't resist this one! Looove hings that can put a smile on my face, especially in the morning hour

A bit shabby, but always in, here comes a quote:
Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory. B. Smith
keep on shining


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